FITONATURA ALGANT is a bioregulator of the root apparatus, based on seaweeds extracts and selected yeasts. FITONATURA ALGANT is rich in phytohormones, auxins and natural cytokinins, as well as several organic compounds such as aminoacids, proteins, sugars and vitamins. The richness of the phytocomplexes present in FITONATURA ALGANT carries out a bioregulator action on the plant, stimulating the constant emission of new root hairs, allowing the plant to extend to new areas of the soil.
For the treatment of seeds, we suggest the use of FITONATURA ALGANT (1l/t of seeds) associated with FITONATURA P SPEED (1l/t of seeds) or by itself at a dosage of 2 l/t of seeds.
FITONATURA ALGANT is compatible with most herbicides and pesticides commonly used in agriculture, with the exception of alkaline, cupric, Sulphur-based products and mineral oils. Avoid using with Fosetyl-Al, Triforine and Dodine. For sensitive crops, make a preliminary test on a few plants before making extensive applications.